Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center

Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center, wishes happy and a successful New Year 2022 to all our dear partners and donors.

Although an extremely difficult year is behind us, both in all spheres of life and in the field of mine explosive ordnance disposal as well, we would like to reiterate Bosnia and Herzegovina's strong commitment to continue to address the threat of antipersonnel mines and explosive remnants and intentions to resolve this long-term issue by March 2027.

We are grateful on a very good cooperation with partner countries and donors, as well as all other respected institutions and organizations that have helped us to make a significant progress in all areas of mine action.

A mine-free world, as a pillar of stability and peace and as a global goal for all of us, is achievable, if we continue to work together and redouble our efforts to make up the lost time caused by the global pandemic.

In the upcoming period, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the help of donors and domestic sources of funding, will continue to complete the remaining activities in the field of mine action and achieve what we set more than two decades ago, country free of mines and explosive remnants of war.

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